Like many young boys, Danny dreams of making it into the record books.
Eternally optimistic, he writes to Mr Bibby, Keeper of the Records, with hilarious accounts of his yucky endeavours. In this book Danny Baker will attempt to break the following records. Drumroll, please ...
Heaviest ball of snot! (DB attempt: 1.4 grams)
Most nits on a single human head! (DB attempt: 109)
Smelliest feet! (DB attempt: 205 children and 5 teachers rendered unconscious within 10 seconds)
Author Information
Steve Hartley is a sensible man. He has a sensible job, a sensible family, lives in a sensible house, and drives a sensible car. But underneath it all, he longs to be silly. There have been occasional forays into silliness: Steve has been a football mascot named Desmond Dragon, and has tasted World Record success himself – in both a mass yodel and a mass yo-yo. But he wanted more, and so his alter-ego Danny Baker, Record Breaker was created. Steve lives in Lancashire with his wife and teenage daughter.