How often have you made a successful presentation one day and the next day made a complete mess of the same material? If your delivery of presentations is all too variable, don't despair - help is at hand. How To Give A Great Presentation shows you how successful spoken communications work within a simple and executable framework of rules and techniques, and reveals how to avoid the pitfalls that exist to undermine your efforts. The expert advice in this book, illustrated with a host of relevant examples, will ensure that you'll have no more problems making impressive presentations each and every time.
Author Information
Neil Chalmers spent twenty years in advertising, working in the UK and North America as an account handler and board director of the major agencies J. Walter Thompson, Young & Rubicam and Leo Burnett and, for a period, as a Group Account Director at Saatchi & Saatchi London, where he was responsible for the Conservative Party, Gillette, Courvoisier and Department of Energy accounts, amongst others.
After leaving Saatchi, Chalmers set up his own communications consultancy focussing on spoken communications, presentations and speeches, and has worked with such clients as Eurotunnel, J. P. Morgan, Bartle Bogle Hegarty, US Surgical, Kleinwort Benson, the London Docklands Development Corporation and XL Insurance, on a range of projects from group courses and individual coaching to crisis management, new business pitches and culture-change programmes.
Neil Chalmers