Better Than an MBA is a practical, easy to read and concise guide to management, written in an entertaining way, with stacks of anecdotes and examples, from 6th Century Chinese philosophers to current CEOs.
"I might be able to cook, but I had no idea about how to run or grow a business. 'Better than an MBA' by John Lance is full of really useful, practical information for running your business more efficiently – and turning a small business into a big business!"- Katherine Westwood, Co-Founder of the rapidly growing food preparation company, The Dinner Ladies, delivering gourmet meals throughout Sydney.
"I wish I had read this book before I started out in business. It puts business into perspective and provides a valuable set of guidelines for success" – Ian Elliot, motivational speaker, ex CEO and Chairman George Patterson, Australia's biggest advertising agency.
"The friendly, clear writing style, practical focus and good examples of key points totally won me over… an excellent book which was a pleasure to read" - Michael Lawrence, Emeritus Professor, Australian School of Business, University of New South Wales, Sydney.
Most people are busy, but busy doing what? Are you doing the things you really need to be doing? Learn how to Plan, Organise, Lead, Control and Adjust. These key principles have been around for thousands of years. They apply to anyone working to achieve an objective, so whether you're an individual with a goal, a tradesperson, a small-business owner, a supervisor, an executive, a professional or a captain of industry, this book contains the lessons you need to learn.
Better Than an MBA gives you the wisdom of practical, proven management skills that have the ability to change your life. And all in 150 pages.
All profits from Better Than an MBA go to Cure for Life, a charity funding research in to Brain Cancer, in memory of his wife Sandra, who died from this dreadful disease in December, 2010.