Are you ready to climb aboard the Bunny Bus? Up one hill. Down another. Come join the eager troop of animal friends as they bounce along to the Easter Parade. Along the way, Bunny Bus needs a washing, but his pals are happy to help.
Author Information
Ammi-Joan Paquette is the author of several picture books, including Ghost in the House, The Tiptoe Guide to Tracking Fairies, and Petey and Pru and the Hullabaloo. She lives with her family in the Boston area, where she keeps a sharp lookout for any passing bunnies—small or big! Visit her online at ajpaquette.com.
Lesley Breen Withrow is an artist and illustrator whose artwork can be seen on many products including stationery items, children's apps, and toys. She is also the illustrator of You're My Boo, Kate Dopirak. Lesley lives with her family on beautiful Cape Cod, where she and her daughter first came up with the idea of a bus shaped like a bunny. Learn more about her at lesleybreenwithrow.com.