A child, newly arrived in another country, feels displaced, lonely, and a little scared on her first day of school. Her name doesn't sound the way she's used to hearing it. She knows she doesn't fit in. And when she eats her whole tomato for lunch, she can feel her classmates observing her—and not quite understanding her.
But sometimes all it takes is one friend, one connection, to bring two worlds together, and gradually the girl, her tomato, and her full name, start to feel at home with her new friends and community.
This emotionally sweeping debut picture book by Costantia Manoli, with vibrant art by Magdalena Mora, artfully captures feelings of displacement and the joy that comes from forging new friendships.
Author Information
Costantia Manoli was born in the United Kingdom to Cypriot parents and spent the picture book period of her life in London contending with a name that even she has difficulty pronouncing in English! Nowadays, her two daughters, hubby, lioness-dog Luna and hyperactive doggo Woody keep her busy in a tangle of story ideas, new characters, and constant interruptions. They live in Cyprus.
Magdalena Mora is a Minneapolis-based illustrator and graphic designer with a special interest in children's books and visual storytelling. She has also illustrated Deborah Diesen's Equality's Call. When not drawing, she spends her free time reading, people-gawking, and trying to find the best tacos in the Twin Cities. Mostly the latter. magdalenamora.com