"Every flower holds a unique consciousness. To connect with their essence is to return to cosmic balance.” –Heidi Smith
Recent years have seen an exponential rise in plant healing. The newest remedies on the scene are flower essences, and Brooklyn-based Heidi Smith is one of their most popular advocates. With The Bloom Book, Smith has created an invaluable resource for using flower essences to bring harmony to both ourselves and our world.
A somatic psychotherapist, flower essence practitioner, registered herbalist, and longtime student of the Egyptian mysteries, Smith not only demystifies flower essences as a potent form of vibrational healing, she explores how we can use these modalities to usher the divine feminine back into our collective consciousness.
Filled with gorgeous illustrations by artist Chelsea Granger, The Bloom Book serves as both an information-rich resource and interactive guidebook. Highlights include: an exploration of vibrational healing from ancient alchemists to modern-day medicine women; a materia medica of select flower essences; rituals and recipes for protection, grounding, and other needs; how to work with the cycles of the moon; and much more.