Rise is not about the worst that can happen in life; it's about how to respond when the worst has already happened...
In 2003, Ingrid Poulson's estranged husband killed their two young children and Ingrid's father. After time, Ingrid chose to start with survival and build from there. She recognised her resilience and chose to rise to the challenge of overcoming unimaginable tragedy.
Few people have to suffer events such as those that Ingrid experienced. But everyone has to deal with challenges, hardships and grief in everyday life. The ability to be resilient in the face of these can mean the difference between getting through troubled times and living life to the fullest, and succumbing to their pressures.
Everyone who has met Ingrid is inspired by her clarity and courage. Through the four main components of her program of resilience - Resolve, Identity, Support and Everyday resilience - she shares the skills and practices she has developed to not only survive but to live a rich and rewarding life.
"In the few short years since the event that left me with nothing, I have been told that I have a charmed life, that I'm lucky and that I am the subject of envy. Many, many people have asked me how I do it, how I survive, and this book is the answer to that question."